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Enable desktop version in chrome browser

In two minutes you will learn how to enable the desktop version in chrome browser

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Chrome browser is one of the most popular browsers today. With its great features so many people prefer it to other browsers.

One of this features is enabling desktop version in chrome browser.

However, why do you need to enable desktop version in chrome browser?

The importance of a desktop version of a web page can't be over emphasized.

A desktop version of a web page is more responsive compare to mobile version.

So many websites today has some functionalities on the desktop version which doesn't work properly on a mobile version.

And there are some things you can't do with a mobile version of some web pages.

So if you are some one who love browsing on a mobile phone like me, it's some times very important to use the desktop version instead of the mobile version.

That is why people always ask for how to open desktop site in chrome or how to change desktop view to mobile view on Android

To enable desktop version in chrome browser.

1 step: go to your chrome browser and use the top menu on the top right side of the browser screen.

enable desktop version in chrome browser
enable desktop version in chrome browser

2 step: scroll down the menu to find "Desktop site" and click it.

Now web page you visit will the show the desktop version and not the mobile version.

enable desktop version in chrome browser
a desktop version of a web page

You can now see the desktop version of the web page.

Thank you for following this tutorial on how to enable desktop version in chrome browser.

Hope you enjoy reading it. Please give us your feedback in the comments.

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